Persistent Evolution
Our Mission
To build a brotherhood of future leaders. To instill in each of its members the values and traditions taught in the Gamma Motto, Philosophy and Creed. We P.U.S.H. our members to display the ambition, drive, confidence and the commitment needed to excel in all of their future endeavors. We are the example of what happens when an organization treats its members with the dignity and respect.
What's Inside
Quick Facts
Our 7 Goals
Community Service
Denouncing Negative Views
The Ouroboro
Ouroboro was the ancient Greek mythical serpent that survived by devouring itself.
"It had no need of eyes, for there was nothing outside it to be seen; nor of ears, for there was nothing outside to be heard. There was no surrounding air to be breathed, nor was it in need of any organ by which to supply itself with food or to get rid of it when digested. Nothing went out from or came into it anywhere, for there was nothing. Of design it was made thus, its own waste providing its own food, acting and being acted upon entirely with and by itself, because its designer considered that a being which was sufficient unto itself would be far more excellent than one which depended upon anything."
Our Motto
English: Building a better fraternity, Building a better man
Latin: Edificium amelior fraternitas, Edificium amelior vir
Spanish: Construyendo una mejor fraternidad, Construyendo un mejor hombre

"Never give up, for that is just the place and time the tide will turn"
Wounded Warriors Project
The Oh So Smooth Gentleman of Gamma Sigma Zeta Fraternity Incorporated love to give back to the Wounded Warriors Project. We are constantly coming up with new ways to raise funding to provide additional support to the Wounded Warriors Project.

You can donate directly to the Wounded Warrior Project.
Meaning of our letters
A - Acceptance
M - Multiculturalism
A - Ability
S - Strength
G - Goals
M - Motivation
Z - Zeal
E - Excellence
A - Amability
Our Colors
What We Represent

The first component of a Gamma Gentleman and the core of one’s being. It is the shield to protect one’s passions and the sword that cuts through all obstacles.

The second component of a Gamma Gentleman and the positive energy needed to fuel the Organization. It is the blood that flows through the heart of our Ouroboro.

The third component of a Gamma Gentleman and it is what we command. We respect ourselves and those around us.